Hooray! Friends, family, students, parents and other people you choose can now buy the book you made. Just send them a Zaragon Books link for the webpage of your book to enter shipping info, choose shipping speed and have delivered to their address. You no longer need to order a large quantity of your book just to hand out.
Personal Publishing Made Easy!
- If you’re publishing for your own private group, you’ve come to the right place. Zaragon Books is where to publish if you don’t need an ISBN number, Library of Congress Registration, Barcodes or any of the hassles of formal publishing.
- Yearbooks, Class Books, Event Books, Photo Books, Family Books and Genealogies for Schools, your Class, Clubs, Parties, Events, and relatives can now be purchased DIRECTLY by the members of your group, school, contacts or family.
- Training Books, Legal Books, and books for Conferences and Meetings can be ordered directly by participants and buyer will make the purchase, not you!